National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
2101 NASA Road One
Houston, Texas 77058


Biographical Data

August 1995

NAME: Everett Kay Gibson, Jr. (Ph.D.)

TITLE: Senior Scientist, Planetary Sciences Branch.

BIRTHPLACE AND DATE: Seagraves, Texas; May 13, 1940.

EDUCATION: Bachelor of science degree in chemistry, Texas Tech University, 1963; master of science degree in physical chemistry, Texas Tech University, 1965; and doctor of philosophy degree in geochemistry, Arizona State University, 1969.

RESIDENCE: Clear Lake City, Texas.

MARITAL STATUS: Married to the former Morgan Shott of Bluefield, West Virginia.

CHILDREN: Bradford Pierce Gibson.

SPECIAL HONORS AND AWARDS: Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Co. Scholarship at Texas Tech (5 years); Dean's List, Texas Tech; Arizona State University Meteorite Scholarship; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Sigma Xi; N.S.F. Research Assistantship; National Research Council-National Academy of Sciences Post-doctoral Resident Research Associateship, NASA Johnson Space Center; NASA JSC Outstanding Performance Rating, 1970, 1971 1990, 1991 and 1992, ; NASA JSC Sustained Superior Performance Award, 1971, 1972, 1989 and 1990; NASA JSC Group Award for the Preliminary Examination Team for Lunar Sample Studies, 1973; NASA JSC Group Award for Lunar Science Team Participation, 1974; American Astronomical League Speaker's Award, 1976; NASA JSC Superior Performance Award, 1974, 1977, 1980 and 1990; Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1977; Who's Who in America, 1979-1993; Certificate of Recognition for Lunar Sample Principal Investigator, 1979; Arizona State University's Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, 1980; American Men and Women of Science, 1981; Who's Who in the World, 1982; Men of Achievement; Who's Who in Technology Today; Personalities of the South; Dictionary of International Biography; and The Leverhulme Fellow, The Open University, Milton Keynes, England, 1984-1985.

PROFESSIONAL AND HONORARY SOCIETIES: Fellow, The Meteoritical Society, Secretary (1974 to 1980), Councilor (1987-1990); American Chemical Society; The Geochemical Society; International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Geophysical Union; Mineralogical Society of American; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; and Division of Planetary Science of the American Astronomical Union; Colonel, Confederate Air Force (life member), CAF-Silver Magnolia Awards (1993, 1994), Executive Officer (1990-1995). Wings Over Houston Airshow Executive Committee (1991-)

TECHNICAL PAPERS: Over 221 technical papers published or presented; available from individual upon request.


1969-1970 NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Postdoctoral Resident Research Associate, Geochemistry Branch.

1970-1976 Geochemist and Space Scientist, Planetary and Earth Sciences Division.

1971-1992 Principal Investigator, NASA Lunar Sample Program.

1974-1977 Member, Lunar Sample Analysis and Planning Team; Mission Science Advisor for Apollo 14; Test Director in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory for Apollo 14; and Member, Preliminary Examination Team for Apollo 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17.

1976-1982 NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Space Scientist Planetary and Earth Sciences Division.

1978-1987 Principal Investigator, NASA Planetary Geology Program.

1979 National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Visiting Program Manager, Earth Sciences Division.

1979-1982 Program Investigator, NASA Mars Data Analysis Program.

1980-1982 Member of the NASA Headquarters Planetary Geology Advisory Panel.

1982-1984 Space Scientist, Geochemistry Branch, Planetary and Earth Science Division.

1983-Present Principal Investigator, NASA Planetary Biology Program.

1984-1985 The Leverhulme Fellow, The Open University, Milton Keynes, England. On assignment to perform original research and perform state-of-the-art measurements of volatiles in both terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. To investigate applications of stable isotope measurements to various space operations tasks and to become familiar with analytical techniques and equipment.

1985-1993 Space Scientist, Planetary Sciences Branch, Solar System Exploration Division.

1986-1992 Member of NASA Headquarters Life Science Space Station Working Group.

1993 - Senior Scientist, Planetary Science Branch, Solar System Exploration Division.


As Senior Scientist, Planetary Sciences Branch, Solar System Exploration Division, Dr. Gibson carries out original scientific research and develops a program of volatile element investigations on lunar samples, Martian analogs meteorites, and terrestrial materials in order to understand the fundamental geochemical processes operating on the Moon, Earth, Mars, meteorites, and other planetary systems. Dr. Gibson is the manager of the JSC Stable Isotope Analysis Laboratory in the Solar System Exploration Division.

Dr. Gibson is a principal investigator for the following two studies:

1. Volatiles in Extraterrestrial Materials: Lunar Samples and Meteorites.

2. Characteristics of Volatiles in Interplanetary Dust Particles.

and co-investigator for the following study:

1. Determination of energy requirements for space flight using a noninvasive technique: Doubly labeled water. Dr. Helen Lane (JSC) is the principal investigator. DS0-612. Flown on STS-45, 47, 58, 60 and 62.



Curator: Annie Platoff
Responsible NASA Official: Kelly Humphries
Last Updated: 6 August 1996